9-Mar-2017 | Eliwell en
Ya está disponible el nuevo Catálogo General Eliwell 2017 con todas las novedades y actualizaciones.
Descárgalo AQUÍ
Si eres cliente y aún no has recibido tu copia impresa, solicítalo en sat@eliwell.es
Las nuevas tarifas entran en vigor a partir del 6 de marzo de 2017.
Conoce todos los Controles electrónicos, los sistemas de Gestión para el sector de la Refrigeración y los Automatismos más avanzados
9-May-2016 | Eliwell en, Products
Ya está disponible el nuevo Catálogo General Eliwell 2016 con todas las novedades y actualizaciones.
Descárgalo AQUÍ
Si eres cliente y aún no has recibido tu copia impresa, solicítalo en sat@eliwell.es
Las nuevas tarifas entran en vigor a partir del 16 de mayo de 2016.
Conoce todos los Controles electrónicos, los sistemas de Gestión para el sector de la Refrigeración y los Automatismos más avanzados
13-Nov-2015 | Eliwell en, Products

Eliwell Ibérica lanza un nuevo catálogo de soluciones de regulación y control para cámaras frigoríficas. Una nueva serie que aúna seguridad e innovación garantizando la máxima calidad y eficiencia en las instalaciones.
Este catálogo presenta Soluciones Integrales que combinan utilidades como la alarma de persona encerrada con señalización óptica y acústica, detección de fugas de gases, termómetro metrológico, registro de eventos HACCP con calendario anual, Pump Down, desescarches programados, cuadro eléctrico completo, detección y señalización con instalaciones con dos circuitos refrigerantes con diferente tipos de gas, telegestión, etc.
Estos productos ofrecen soluciones específicas para las instalaciones que albergan cámaras de conservación, congelación, ultracongelación, salas de elaboración, obradores y salas de máquinas en empresas con actividad de tipo industrial, plataformas logísticas, retail y pequeño comercio.
Eliwell Ibérica recopila en este catálogo toda una gama de opciones que proporcionan al instalador la solución sencilla, completa y fácil para la adaptación de cámaras refrigerantes nuevas o existentes, al cumplimiento de normas como el Real Decreto 138/2011 de instalaciones frigoríficas.
Dichas soluciones se presentan en dos formatos diferentes:
- Incorporadas dentro del control, con las nuevas Coldface NT.
- Sin control incorporado. Idóneo para cámaras que no lo requieren, fundamentalmente para actualizar cámaras existentes.
El catálogo de Soluciones Integrales se completa con el registrador homologado Memory 1000E para el cumplimiento de la normativa metrológica ITC 3701/2006 – RD 889/2006
DOWNLOAD [download id=”595″]
17-Sep-2015 | Eliwell en

It is obvious that the objective of anyone who opens the door of a shop every day is to attract public and sell. If, apart from the advertising and the décor, once the client is inside the shop, we can make their purchasing experience so comfortable that they stay longer in the establishment, the possibility of greater spending is even higher.
Have you ever sheltered from a strong wind or a storm by walking among the aisles of a supermarket or superstores? Have you ever noticed that there is increased inflow of clients to shopping centres on rainy weekends?
Thermal Comfort in a sales outlet forms part of the most extended merchandising techniques, given that this is a global concept involving aspects such as:
The situation of the doors and the air flows generated.
The lighting, which, together with the refrigeration units give off heat.
The necessary temperature in refrigerated and frozen food areas.
The level of affluence and the definition of spaces, where the height of the ceilings and outside insulation are key factors in establishing an air conditioning plan that really works and can be appreciated by the client.
In the case of supermarkets, solutions such as mixed installations that include air conditioning and refrigeration systems allow feedback between them, thus obtaining a better performance and thermal comfort in the shop.
At this point, the centralised control of factors such as temperature, humidity, the lighting system and, even energy consumption efficiency, is vital. ELIWELL products include control devices for sales points on any type of surface. These even include the possibility of controlling several shops from a standardized control system that makes it possible to reduce maintenance costs.
If you are assessing how to implement the best shop refrigeration and air-conditioning system please do not hesitate to contact our commercial technicians via email: comercial@eliwell.es or by telephone +34 96 313 42 04.
8-Sep-2015 | Eliwell en, Events, Products
Are you installing an Eliwell control and need help to set it up? Do you require technical assistance? Do you have doubts about which Eliwell reference is best adapted to your facility?
To resolve these questions and many others, the Eliwell helpdesk is available so that any installer or professional working with Eliwell systems can immediately resolve any doubts, receive technical clarifications or download software in seconds.
You can contact the helpdesk technicians during working hours by telephone, email or through our social networks.

Direct phone:+34 96 313 42 05
E-mail: sat@eliwell.es
We recommend you follow us on our social networks as we constantly publish up-dates and news related to the sector that will allow you to keep posted as regards Eliwell technology.
Facebook Eliwell.Iberica
Twitter Eliwell_Iberica
Linkedin eliwell-iberica
Youtube with our video tutorials
and of course our Blog
We are at your disposal to resolve your doubts and receive your suggestions!
25-Ago-2015 | Eliwell en
Do you know where to find your nearest Eliwell distributor?
Whether you are in your own area or away at some installation, you can easily locate the nearest distributor by using this link (map).
You can search by city, province, postcode… and you will find both their address and contact details.

You can trust the quality and professionalism of Eliwell distributors in Spain and Portugal.